Sunday, February 19, 2006

I Got Stoned

Kidney stones, that is..

Late Saturday night, after an excellent La Fiesta Brava take-home meal, we were all sitting in the living room watching Bugs Bunny cartoons.. All of the sudden, my right side was killing me.. Nothing I could do could subside the pain. I got up and started walking around, then started throwing up everything I had just eaten. We called our neighbor to get her to watch the kids while Janet took me to the ER. Once there, they asked me a bunch of questions and left me on a gurney to suffer for awhile (it seemed like hours). About the time I finally got some pain medication (morphine), the stones must have dropped into my bladder because suddenly I felt pretty dang good. In fact, I kinda went to dozin' a little.. Janet had went back home to relieve our neighbor.. After awhile they said I had to pee in the urinal before I could leave.. What I thought was minutes must have been more like an hour.. I finally managed to get up and urinate a little bit, but it was enough.. They came in after awhile and told me I passed a stone! Whew.. I called Janet and she came in and got me.. The next morning when I did my morning duty, I noticed something come out against the white of the toilet.. I reached down and it was another stone.. I thought I heard them say two stones when I was on the bed, but then again I was kinda out of it.. Nope, I was right, two stones.. Not big at all, just wee little asteroids..

Extreme pain. That is what kidney stones are. Hope I never have to go through that again.